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innovative insulation

urban resilience

future mobility

sustainable power supply

efficient construction

urban infrastructure

welcome to #myfuturecity!

you’ve come to the right place to explore a few of the challenges that lie ahead of us. discover sustainable answers for topics like smart infrastructure, efficient construction or future power supply.

#myfuturecity | covestro-2024欧洲杯官网

cities are all about people. how we shape our cities ultimately determines how these cities shape our wellbeing, and as urban populations around the world swell, finding new solutions to advance the liveability of our cities is more important than ever before.

already, more than half of us live in cities, and by 2050, this proportion is expected to increase to 67%. as urbanization becomes a global trend, the struggle to efficiently and sustainably grow our cities will only intensify. more people need more buildings, more energy, and more infrastructure, and this puts increased pressure on resources and the environment.

the challenges we face can seem daunting, but the good news is that we’re creating innovative solutions that can help us rise to meet them. as a leading producer of high-tech polymers, we have the resources and know-how to help build the sustainable and resilient cities of the future.

have a look around and discover how our innovative materials help build a brighter future for us all:

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